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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Urania Christy Tarbet's Student Roses

WOW! End of 2010 now and Urania's class "Floral Still Life" is really changing the Rose Painting world!

I'd never done a rose, but am I glad I did. Now I need to go back and refine it a bit after Urania's tips.

But, first: a few student works...these from Rhoda G. She had never worked in pastel before. Way to go Rhoda!

Now here is my rose:

That's all 'til next time! We're having so much fun and learning SO much...join us!

Vicki (aka wickie)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Urania's "Floral Still Life" Student Work #6001 Sept/Oct.

Single Roses. These students had never done pastel before! Way to go girls...Great job teaching, Urania.

Betsy Noble 4 single red roses on black canson

Linda C. 

Vicki R. doodle

Monday, October 18, 2010

Urania Christy Tarbet LIVE with MyArtTutor!

#6001 "Still Life" pastel on sanded paper

Urania is the founder and president emeritus of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS). She worked tirelessly this summer working on my concept for teaching art online. Even though it didn't make total sense to her, she has been a trouper.

So all you artists out there who paint in pastel, know Urania, and many of you have travelled to the biennial conventions for the workshops and trade show.

Her new painting "Spring Bouquet" is beautiful in its impressionistic style, sunny and bright just like Urania. We broke down the painting's complexity into its essential elements...assignments are geared for Casual Artists (beginner/social), Enthusiastic (those who want to improve) and Passionate (artists who would like to be the best they can be). Something for everyone!

Some of our Casual Level MyArtTesters have put some of us Passionate artists to shame!

Watch for the following posts for samples of our students. Join in the fun...Interact with other students, challenge each other, all from the privacy of your own home.

Access to the workshop is indefinite, and TeamMyAT will continue to edit and add bonus lectures as your workshop is ever-changing. You can share your paintings and experiences on these public blogs.

Join Us at the Wicki-Zoo...Free email updates on our website.
